April 1, 2024 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
Beaufort County Library table full of brochures and papers related to available War Between the States research material information. |
Our April 1 meeting guest speaker was Grace Cordial, Historical Resources Coordinator Beaufort County
Library, letting our 31 attendees of the meeting know "how and where to go" to do research on The War!
Commander Gerald Wynn presented Grace with a copy of the Joseph Cantey Elliott book "Lee's Noble Soldier", an autobiography of the Camp's namesake Lt. Gen. Richard Heron Anderson. |
Candid shot of Past 2nd Lt. Commander Randy Atkins prior to the start of the meeting. |
Current 2nd Lt Commander Fred Channels, center, greets our attendees.
Past Commander Jody Henson and Commander Wynn enjoy a free and delicious southern lunch of ham,
two fixn's with rolls and dessert, all prepared by Compatriot Jeff Light. The Ridgeland Camp had provided a
delicious cake as well.
March 4, 2024 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
Commander Gerald Wynn presnts his connection with General Stonewall Jackson |
Paul Tucker presents "The 3rd Volunteer Cavalry, and the Battle of Honey Hill" to assembled members and guests. |
First Lt. Commander Harold Mills presents SCV War Service Medal to Colonel Alfred Channels Jr. U.S, Army Retired. Commander Gerald Wynn is in the background. |
First Lt. Commander Harold Mills presents SCV War Service Medal to Colonel Louis Miles Montgomery, U.S. Air Force Retired for service during the Global War on Terror. |
Newly honored War Service Award Compatriots Fred Channels and Miles Montgomery with Comander Gerald Wynn and 1st Lt. Commander and Military Awards Chairman Harold Mills.
Commander Gerald Wynn presents the Camp's "Forward the Colors" encased Battle Flag to Compatriot Fred Channels Jr. to personally display until the next meeting. |
December 5th 2022 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
1st Lt. Commander Mike Monahan presents outgoing Camp Commander Peter Somerville with his SCV Camp Commander's Sword engraved with his name and his ancestors name. Adjutant and Past Commander Paul Griffin is in the rear.
. Peter Somerville says farewell to the 15 meeting member attendees at the end of his three years as Camp #47 Commander.
November 7 2022 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
Guest speaker Compatriot Jackson Canaday, a member of
the Col. Charles Jones Colcock Camp 2100, Ridgeland, SC
Jackson shows and discusses his recreation of the
Beaufort Volunteer Artillery Flag based on an 1858 Charleston Newspaper article description of the flag
after presentation to the BVA by the ladies of Beaufort on George Washington's birthday.
Jackson also recreated the 11th SC Infantry Flag reflecting
battles participated in. Joining him is the Camp's First Commander Brian Canaday.
Past Commander Jody Henson called forward by Jackson
Canaday who had received his H L Hunely Medal from Henson in 2014 while at Battery Creek HS.
Jackson surprises Henson with a presentation of the recreated BVA Flag which the Camp will display at meetings
New Compatriot Raymond Griffith is sworn in by Chaplain Tom Burnett at left and Commander Peter Somerville and Adjutant Paul Griffin to his left.
October 3rd 2022 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
Guest speaker New SC Division Commander Perry J. Smith,
Commander Smith's presentation on Artillery
The war history and art of artillery was enjoyed by the
our members and guests. Do you know the names of Stone Wall Jackson's four main cannons?
Div. Commander Smith discusses the types of projectiles used by various cannon.
After presenting our guest speaker with the life history
of Lt. General Richard Anderson, Camp 1st Lt. Commander Mike Monahan shares a good laugh with Perry.
Past Brigade Commander Nolan Tarrance won the door prize tonight, signed, numbered and framed wild
life print
September 12th 2022 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
Commander Peter Somerville calls for the return to activities after summer at the September 2022 meeting. Peter has notified the Camp he will be moving to Texas in the near future.
Compatriot Wilson McElveen dedicates September meeting to his ancestor Pvt. Robert Marion Thompson of Co. D., 2nd Infantry, 2nd Palmetto Regiment of South Carolina.
Historian Chris Clayton discusses the war in September 1864. |
Joe Dorman, Program Specialist for Beaufort's National Cemetery discusses the formation of the local National Cemetery, one of the country's first in 1863.
Nineteen Compatriots and three guests were with us for the
Group shot during presentation. |
Past Commander Jody Henson has just received his 20 Year Service Pin from Adjutant Paul Griffin and Commander Sommerville.
: Chaplain Gerald Wynn swears in new Camp Members Wilson McElveen and Jeffrey Light with Commander Somerville.
Past Brigade Commander Nolan Tarrance and Chaplain Gerald Wynn go to estate sales, flea markets and garage sales seeking items related to our Veterans. Finding such things as stolen iron crosses, certificates of membership to the SCV and UDC and in this case a Veteran's Flag Shadow Box for Naval enlisted man Robert Smalls, great grandson of Beaufort's historical figure Robert Smalls. The item is being returned to a grateful relative.
Carl White wins the camp raffle once again, a nice snipping shear. He did not win the BIG POT! 15 cards remain, don't miss the October meeting.
Forward the Colors September 2022 visit of the grave of President Jefferson Davis by Camp Commander Peter Somerville. The absence of Our Flag, usually flying daily, was quite evident upon his arrival.
Deo Vindice!
HSOB OFFICERS 2022 - 2023
The 2022 - 2023 Heritage Society of Beaufort Officers were recently approved by the Society at the Annual Spring Luncheon held on April 29, 2022. L-R Secretary Connie Kearns Tootle, currently President of the Colonial Dames 17th Century Dr. Henry Woodward Chapter. Treasurer Paul Griffin, Adjutant of the Gen. Richardson H. Anderson SCV Camp #47 and Compatriot of the Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter SCSSAR. Vice President Amelie Aimar Cromer, Stephen Elliott UDC Chapter #1349. President John Simpson, Genealogist of the Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter SCSSAR and Compatriot of the Gen. Richardson H. Anderson SCV Camp #47. |
June 6th 2022 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
Commander Peter Somerville starts June 6th meeting introducing our guest speaker for dedication of the meeting to a Confederate Veteran. |
Mary Somerville, wife of Commander Peter Somerville, dedicated our June meeting to her Confederate Ancestor Col. Richard Marks Harrison of Virginia. As President of the local Stephen Elliott UDC Chapter and our guest speaker, she gave a fine presentation on the history of the UDC. |
Chaplin Gerald Wynn gives prayer to our camp in concern for our European partners as well as our own military currently in service around the world. |

Some of our 21 attendees including Camp Historian Chris Clayton at far right. |
Lt Commander Mike Monahan at left with wife Ann and Compatriot Bob Sadler and wife Nancy during the door prize drawing. |
Guest speaker Mary Somerville draws door prize winning ticket while Col. Pat Garrett holds the tickets donations were received for. Col. Harold Mills, bottom left, looks over his tickets and waits on the number called. |
Lt Commander Mike Monahan's wife Ann was our door prize winner this evening. Here she draws a card for a chance at our rolling pot, she did not win again. L-R Hazen Culley, Pat Garrett and Joe Harden get a laugh from Compatriot Culley. |
UDC President Mary Somerville, Wayne Gaabo, Chaplin Gerald Wynn and Harold Mills sing our closing hymn "Dixie's Land". |
April 4th 2022 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
April 4th, 2022 SCV Camp 47 Meeting Chaplin Gerald Wynn leads us in prayer as we begin the April 2022 meeting. |
Unseen, Color Sergeant Michael Keyserling guided us through the pledges to our revered US, South Carolina and Battle Flag prior to our meeting commencement |
1st Lt Commander Mike Monahan lead our April meeting in the absence of Commander Somerville. Here he starts our meeting with the reading of the Charge of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. |

Chapter Historian Chris Clayton made a full presentation on the Battle of Shiloh, an early battle in the Western Theater fought April 6-7, 1862, in southwestern, Tennessee. The battle is named after a small church in the vicinity named Shiloh which ironically translates to "place of peace" or "heavenly peace". |
Hazen Culley of our revenue generating programs gives a last call for door prize tickets. New Camp Member Wayne Gabbo, bottom in bow tie, was our winner and tonight's recipient of a framed photo of the South Carolina capital Confederate Soldier with three flags flying near by. |
Tonight's door prize was this outstanding photo donated by our Military Awards Chairman Harold Mills. |
March 7th, 2022 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
Color Sergeant Michael Keyserling dedicated the March meeting to his Confederate Ancestor Maj. Thomas Abram Huguenin, 1st South Carolina Infantry. An 1859 graduate of the South Carolina Military Academy (now The Citadel), Huguenin, within two years, was actively engaged in the defense of Charleston Harbor. |
In July 1864, Maj. Huguenin was placed in command of Fort Sumter which endured massive bombardments from Union naval vessels and artillery around Morris Island, he remained in command until February 1865. |
Compatriot Hastings Greene and wife Nancy at left share a table with Compatriot Tom Burnett and wife Ginny with others in the background during the meeting. |

9th Brigade Commander Keith Day joined us for the evening giving us a run down on the approaching South Carolina SCV Division Reunion. |
Revenue Chairman Hazen Culley, left, and Compatriot Clif Thomas prepare for the upcoming raffle of this evenings prizes. |
Tom and Ginny Burnett combined their efforts to select their winning raffle gift, a book on Wade Hampton, after their number was selected. |
February 7th, 2022 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
Chaplain Gerald Wynn starts the February 2022 meeting off with prayers for the 18 members and guests present that evening as well as for our families, service members and country as a whole. |
Our normal meeting protocol is for Commander Peter Somerville to introduce a Camp Compatriot who then will dedicate the start of our meeting to one of his Confederate Ancestors. |
Compatriot Tom Burnett dedicates this month's meeting to one of his many Confederate Ancestors, Pvt. Thomas Richardson Belser, aka Richie Hugh Belser, 5th South Carolina Cavalry Regiment. |

Compatriot and Camp Historian Chris Clayton enlightened us on the goings on during the War at this time of year in 1865. |
Compatriot Col. Harold Mills, retired US Air Force Intelligence officer, presented Part II of his power point presentation on the Confederate Secret Service and Confederate Spy's such as Mary Duvall, ancestor of Camp Compatriots Henry and James Scott. |
Left, Chaplain Gerald Wynn, Adjutant and Past Commander Paul Griffin and Past Commander Jim Atkins enjoy a bit of humor by our guest speaker Col. Harold Mills during his presentation. |
Compatriot Carl White, left, had the winning door prize ticket this evening, winning two History Channel silver commemorative coins for two battles during the war and a deck of Confederate Flag Cards. Deputy Revenue Chairman Hazen Culley, right, said his pulling of the "2 of Spades" left 18 cards in the deck for the growing jackpot and eventual winner. |

Compatriot and former Chaplain Bill Sammons, center, leads the Camp Choir (our attendees) in a rousing rendition of Dixie's Land to end our February meeting with an exclamation point. "Away, away, away down south in Dixie. Hooray!" |
December 6th, 2021 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
Commander Peter Somerville calls the December 6th meeting to order and asks for a Camp Compatriot to come forward and dedicate our meeting to one of his ancestors. |
Compatriot Tom Burnett, Past Chaplain, dedicates meeting to his Confederate Ancestor Pvt. Marcus Lafayette "Fate" Burnett, Co. G, Buncomb County Rangers, 1st NC Cavalry. The youngest of six brothers to serve. |
Compatriot Col. Harold Mills, a retired US Air Force Intelligence officer, presented Part I of his power point presentation on the Confederate Secret Service. |

The opening page of Harold's Power Point prior to discussing Part I of the organization of the Confederacy's Secret Service. |
Adjutant Paul Griffin at left, listens as Chaplain Gerald Wynn and new Compatriot James "Jim" Thomas read and recite The Oath to the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Commander Peter Somerville at far right. |

Adjutant Paul Griffin presents Compatriot Jim Thomas his Certificate of Membership and SCV PIn to be worn at all meetings and SCV functions. Congratulations and welcome Jim. |
Compatriot Hazen Culley handled our Door Prize for the evening, a beautiful cotton South Carolina State flag. Here he slyly entices last minute ticket purchases and Color Sergeant Michael Keyserling obliged him. |

Past Commander Jody Henson won this month's drawing and was very happy to show off his new flag. |
November 1st, 2021 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
Commander Peter Somerville starts Nov 1st meeting by calling on Compatriot Spencer James and dedicating the meeting to one of his Confederate Ancestors, Pvt. Benjamin Franklin Mills. |
Spencer James discusses the life and times of his Confederate Ancestor, Pvt. Benjamin Franklin Mills, Co. K, 47th Virginia Infantry. |
L-R Color Sergeant Michael Keyserling leads the Camp's members in the pledges to our US, South Carolina and Confederate Flags. |

L - R Compatriots Frank Gibson, Military Awards Chair Harold Mills, Webmaster Don Starkey and 1st Lt Commander Mike Monahan listen to our Charge give by Commander Somerville. |
Chaplain Gerald Wynn swears in new Compatriot William "Spencer" James with Commander Peter Somerville to finish up installation. |

Compatriot Chris Clayton, Chapter Historian, discusses the Battle of Spring Hill, Tennessee, Nov 29, 1864. A prelude to the fierce Battle of Franklin, Tennessee fought on the 30th of November. |
Camp #47 Adjutant Paul Griffin, right, congratulates Past Commander James Atkins on achieving his 25th year as a member of the SCV. |

Past Commander James Atkins at left with current 1st Lt Commander Mike Monahan were recognized for their service to the SCV. Both joined in Virginia before transferring to Camp #47 here in Beaufort. James with 25 years and Mike with 20 years. Bravo! |
September 13th, 2021 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
Commander Peter Somerville kicks off Sep. 13th meeting dedicated to one of his Confederate Ancestors, Corporal Thornton Eli Jacobs. |
Camp Historian Chris Clayton made a presentation to the twenty two members and guests attending on the Engagement of Tulifinny in defense of the Charleston - Savanah Railroad, Dec. 1864. |
L-R Compatriots Michael Keyserling, James Atkins, Nolan Tarrance, Chaplain Gerald Wynn, Bob Sadler and wife Nancy. |

L-R: Compatriot Bill Sammons and wife Kathey, Hazen Culley, guest Raymond Griffith with recent Edisto Camp #131 transfer Compatriot Wayne Gaabo and Anita Henson, wife of Jody Henson (photographer). |
Compatriot Harold Mills, standing, fills in attendees on his son, Marine Col. David Mills, who is in currently in charge of an Afghan Refugee Camp in Virginia with 4000 men, women, children and newly arrived babies. |

L-R: 1st Lt Commander Michael Monahan with Compatriots John Simpson, Tom Burnett, Frank Gibson and Steven Guy as they listen to Compatriot Harold Mills. Adjutant Paul Griffin in back not shown. |
June 7th, 2021 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
Chaplain Gerald Wynn, with Commander Somerville and Adjutant Griffin, during meeting invocation. |
New member Michael "Mike" Gorman dedicated our meeting to the honor of his Confederate Ancestor Cpl. Charles John William Breland, Co. I, 11th South Carolina Infantry Regiment. |
Camp Historian Chris Clayton gives us more than a moment on History on this Date, June 1864, after the Battle of the Wilderness into the Battle of Cold Harbor. |

Mike Gorman (left) is installed on this date, June 7 2021, by Chaplain Gerald Wynn (right) and Commander Peter Somerville. |
March 2nd, 2020 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
1st Lt. Commander Mike Monahan started off the March 2, 2020 meeting with our standard introductory meeting dedication to Mike's Confederate Ancestor, Pvt. Jobe Nesselrodt, Co. K, 7th Virginia Cavalry. |
Cross of Military Honor on the grave of Pvt. Nesselrodt, 1835-1915, located in Stoney Creek Cemetery Basye, VA. |
Pvt. Nesselrodt's Soldier's Pension Application |

Jobe and family in Virginia after the war. |
Guest speaker Christopher Barr, Park Ranger, National Park Service, giving a presentation on the Reconstruction Era National Park.

Commander Peter Sumerville about to congratulate our guest speaker on his presentation after the Q&A portion before starting the business meeting. Guest speakers are given copies of "Lee's Nobel Soldier" by Joe Cantey Elliott, a biography of Lt. Gen. Richard H. Anderson. |
January 21, 2020
Lee - Jackson Birthday Banquet
Commander James Atkins welcomes all attendees to the Jan 21, 2020 Lee - Jackson Birthday Banquet. |
Chaplain Gerald Wynn gives thanks for all our blessings. |
Compatriot John Simpson gives a brief history of those storied soldiers Lee and Jackson and his annual toast . |
A toast to Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson on his birthday by our Camp Officers and wives. |
Past Commander Jody Henson invites answers to a number of Trivia questions concerning Stonewall's illustrious military career.
Past Commander James Atkins passes the mic on to new Commander Peter Somerville at evenings end after being presented the Commanders Sabre by Peter. |
December 2nd, 2019 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
Prior to the December 2nd meeting Compatriots Tom Burnett (L) and Tom Wilson discuss December plans. |
Past Brigade Commander Nolan Tarrance (R) speaks with Carl White, formerly with the Confederate Air Force. |
Kicking off our meeting Compatriot Hastings Greene told the 21 attending camp members about his Ancestor, Major Moses Greene on the Staff of Maj. General John B. Gordon, Commander Second Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, all the way to Appomattox. |

Commander James Atkins (L) and 1st Lt Commander Peter Somerville listen intently to Greene's presentation. |
Commander Atkins leads us in the pledges and charge of the SCV.

1st Lt Commander Peter Somerville made a presentation on the use of Ancestry's Fold3 site to retrieve military documents for most wars as well as making memorials for ancestors to honor their military service. |
Compatriot Frank Gibson seen with Carl White, was recognized that evening with his Ten Year SCV Service Pin.

Chaplin Gerald Wynn pulls the winning door prize ticket from the bag for Col. Pat Garrett. Nolan Tarrance in foreground and Hazen Culley in background. |
November 4th, 2019 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
Compatriot Tom WIlson speaks of his Confederate Ancestor Major James Lide Coker, Co G. 9th and Co E 6th SC Vol Inf who was severely wounded in battle and captured, later to be repatriated by his mother. |
1st Lt Commander Peter Somerville, filling in for Commander Atkins, introduces the November 4th meeting guest speaker Allen Roberson, Ex Director of the SC Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum. |
Allen Roberson about to start his slide show concerning the South Carolina's Palmetto Regiment during the Mexican War. |

Allen discussing the sword of Pierce Mason Butler, former and 56th Governor of SC, who was killed serving as a Col. at the Battle of Churubsco during the Mexican - American War. |
A painting from the commissioned Scroll of Honor showing the "Palmettos" at the base of Chapultepec Castle in the final assault on Mexico City, September, 1847.

Photo of the Palmetto Regiment Flag from the Mexican War (1846-1848), presented to the Palmetto Regiment (later 2nd SC Volunteer Infantry Regiment during the WBTS) by General Winfield Scott after the capture of Mexico City. It was also carried by the 2nd SC (then a militia reserve regiment) and flown over Havana Cuba, following the surrender of Spain in the Spanish American War. It may be the only US flag to fly over the capitols of two foreign countries, 50 years apart. |
Past Commander Jody Henson discusses the need to help stop HR Bill 4179 "No Federal Funding for Confederate Symbols" and provides information on next year's January 21st, 2020 Lee - Jackson Banquet.

Chaplain Bill Sammons leads the Camp's members and guests in prayer at meetings end followed by a rousing Camp version of Dixie's Land. |
October 7th, 2019 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
Compatriot Col. Steven Guy started off the October 7, 2019 meeting with tribute to one of his Confederate Ancestors, Pvt. Shadrach Allen, Jr. born 1819. Pvt Allen's service included 29th Va Infantry, Capt. Jeffress Co. Va Light Artillery and eventually 4th Va reserves assisting the war effort as a collier at the age of 46. |
Pvt. Allens' marker located in Mount Olive Cemetery, Cannelburg, Indiana. |
Guest speaker Bob Young, author and former Mayor of Augusta, GA, |

Mr. Young presented an interesting program based upon his recent book "Graball Road", exploring the legend surrounding the theft of Confederate Gold at the end of the war in Georgia. |
Camp Historian Chris Clayton presents his "Moment in the War" to the twenty five plus members and guests at the October meeting. |

. Commander James Atkins wraps up the business portion of our evening prior to leading us in Dixie's Land at meetings end. |
September 9th, 2019 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
Chaplain Gerald Wynn discussed his Confederate Ancestor, Pvt. Barney Brantley Winn of Co. E, 11th SC Volunteer Infantry including showing his post war portrait. He is buried in the Thames Cemetery, Hampton, SC. |
Thames Cemetery grave marker for Pvt. Winn . Captured Jun 16, 1864 in Petersburg and sent to Point Lookout, Maryland and later Elmira, NY. Paroled in March 1865 he never took the oath. |
Following Chaplain Wynn's presentation, he showed a short video on the American Flag as we neared the anniversary of the Sep 11, 2001 attacks. |

Commander James Atkins, center, presents 10 year SCV service pin to Compatriot Bill Anderson. |
June 3rd, 2019 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
Commander James Atkins welcoming members and our UDC guest Speakers Penny Tarrance and Dorothy Mosior to Camp 47's June 2019 meeting. Followed by the reading of The Charge. |
Dorothy Mosior, center, starts the presentation on Mary Surratt, suspected of conspiring in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. |
Penny Tarrance, left, Past Stephen Elliott Chapter UDC President, concludes presentation on the conviction of Marry Surratt and first hanging of a female by the Federal Govt. |

Some of the Camp members attending the June meeting. |
First Lt Commander Peter Somerville, center, with members on left Frank Wood and Pat Garrett and Ginny and Tom Burnett at right with Barbara Richardson. |

The meeting closed with Compatriot Tom Burnett being presented his SCV Life Member Pin and Certificate by Adjutant Paul Griffin. |
April 1st, 2019 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
UDC President Anita Henson, standing in back, discusses having the Camp's members add their ancestors to an upcoming new addition of the UDC Stephen Elliott Chapter's booklet "Gallantry Remembered". Compatriots Steven Guy, Jody Henson, Michael Keyserling, Nolan Tarrance and Frank Glover listen with Penny Tarrance of the UDC. |
The April 1st, 2019 meeting featured Jim Morgan, Past President of the Loudoun County Virginia Civil War Roundtable and Co-Founder/Past President Fort Sumter-Fort Moultrie Historical Trust. |
Jim Morgan, a Retired US Marine and State Department member, presented an enlightening description of the October 21, 1861 Battle of Balls Bluff, VA. The Union Army suffered heavy losses well in excess of 900 compared to that of 115 for the Confederacy. |

Commander James Atkins introduces SCV Transfer Member Col. Steven Guy, USA Retired, to our attending members and guests at the April 2019 meeting. Steven has already taken on the H L Hunley Award Chair position and is working with six schools for this years presentations. |
March 4th, 2019 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
Commander James Atkins recites the Charge to our 30 plus meeting attendees to kick off the meeting. |
1st Lt Commander Peter Somerville briefly presented on ancestor Capt. John William Jacobs , 4th Missouri Cavalry, our honored Ancestor for the March meeting. |
Compatriot Alan Linsky discussed his and 1st Lt Commander Peter Somerville's recent trip to Columbia and the State House to bring greetings from the SCV and Camp 47 concerning saving our monuments. |
2019 SCV Camp 47 Officers |
January 19th, 2019 Annual Lee - Jackson Birthday Banquet
Red Rooster and Nautilus Restaurant
Commander James Atkins with wife Sandi and our Southern Cross of Honor cakes. |
Chaplin Gerald Wynn, left, swears in Commander James Atkins, 1st Lt Commander Peter Somerville, 2nd Lt Commander Bill Elliott and Adjutant Paul Griffin with Past Commander Jody Henson far right standing by. |
Our cakes represented the Southern Cross of Honor, both sides shown, first presented to Confederate Veterans in 1900 by the United Daughters of the Confederacy. |
Beaufort Gen. Stephen Elliott Chapter UDC members present at the Lee - Jackson
Banquet, L-R, Glady Cousar, Bliss West, Nancy Anderson, Penny Tarrance, Pat Youmans, Kathey Sammons, Barbara Wood, Mary Somerville, Barbara Witte and Chapter President Anita Henson. |
Go to "Photo Shows" section for many more photos of the Lee - Jackson Birthday Banquet
December 3rd, 2018 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
During the December 3, 2018 meeting Compatriot Bill Elliot presents a salute to his ancestor: 1stLt William Waight Elliot, second Palmetto Guard, South Carolina. |
Ist Lt Commander, Peter Sumerville gives the Charge to assembled members and Guests. |
Chris Clayton presents this moment in history: the December 1860, sucession of South Carolina while Ist Lt Commander, Peter Sumerville looks on. |
Brett Barry, the President of The American Heritage Association gives a talk on the strengthening of the SC Heritage Act and monument preservation in South Carolina to members and guests. |
November 5th 2018 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
:Starting our November 5, 2018 meeting is Chapter Historian Chris Clayton who gave a moment in history during The War Between the States |
Compatriot Wayne Cousar addresses the Camp on several subjects of importance. |
Commander James Atkins presents 10 Year Service pins to Don Starkey and Alan Linsky. |
: Ridgeland Camp Commander Leon Smith discusses the new secure flag pole being placed on I-95 near Exit # 33 that will fly a large Battle Flag jack. |
May 10th, Confederate Memorial Day
The Camp May meeting was held at the Beaufort National Cemetery on May 10th, Confederate Memorial Day. Please see our "Photo Shows" section for the evenings events. |
April 2nd, 2018 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
LtCol Neil Baxley, Beaufort Sheriff's Office presents "The Battle of Fuguson's Branch" at the April 2nd, 2018 meeting. |
Members and Guests enjoy the presentation of "the Battle of Furguson's Branch" that had an unique relationship to the earhquake of 1886, many years after the actual battle. |
March 5th, 2018 SCV Camp 47 Meeting
Commander James Atkins introduces Dr. Larry Rowland as speaker for the March 5, 2018 meeting. |
Dr. Rowland makes a slide presentation on Reconstruction in the Beaufort District after the war. |

About 30 members and guests attended the March 5th meeting to hear our well known local Historian and USC Professor Emeritus speak on this delicate subject. |
Dr. Rowland answers a final question from Compatriot Hazen Culley. |
2018 Lee Jackson Banquet
Past Commander Jody Henson welcomes guests and members to the Camp's . |
Guest speaker 2nd Lt Commander Dr. Joe Haines, gives an insightful presentation on Gen. J.E.B. Stewart who was very close to Gen. Stonewall Jackson. |

Some of the fifty attendees of the special Lee Jackson banquet dinner. |

Close up of the Lee Jackson Birthday cake prior to the cutting. |

Camp Historian Chris Clayton and wife Ann at the January 20, 2018 Lee Jackson Banquet. |
Ginny Burnett, wife of Compatriot Tom Burnett with her Lee Jackson Last Meeting portrait. |
SCV Camp47 Photos

November 6th meeting speaker was our Camp Historian Chris Clayton who made a fine presentation on the Ebenezer Creek Incident (near Rincon, GA) during Sherman's march to Savannah in December 1864. |
Stan Hergott is announced by Past Commander Chris Gibson as seeking Camp Associate membership. |

Commander James Atkins presents Stan Hergott with his Camp Associate SC Sovereignty Flag Membership Pin and Certificate of Membership. |
Recently elected 2018 Officers and Staff L-R: Webmaster Don Starkey (obscured); Military Awards Chair, John Simpson; 1st Lt. Commander
Sean Congleton; Chaplain Gerald Wynn; Revenue Programs Chair Col. Pat Garrett; 2nd Lt Commander
Joe Haines; Historian Chris Clayton; and Commander James Atkins. |

Maj. John Simpson is presented the SCV War Service Medal for his US Marine Corps Service by Past Commander Chris Gibson and Commander James Atkins at the November 6th meeting. |
Associate Alan Linsky and wife Judy donated this "Save Our Monuments" flag for our November 6 meeting door prize won by Compatriot Michael Keyserling.
Compatriots Joe Harden, at left, and Bill Anderson hoist flag for members to see prior to drawing. |

Our October 2017 meeting was held on the 9th at the Historic Beaufort Arsenal in honor of the 120th anniversary of the forming of UCV Camp Richard H. Anderson #47 at the arsenal on that date in 1897. |
: Guest speaker, Robert Jones of Georgia, makes a great power point presentation on the United Confederate Veterans. Over 40 camp members attended with 20 wives and guests. |

Past Commander Henson presents speaker Robert Jones with a copy of "Lee's Nobel Soldier", a biography of Gen. Richard H. Anderson, in thanks for his being there for us. |
Commander Atkins with Past Commander Henson and new member Randy Atkins following his installation and pinning. |

New Associate Dave Stewart being sworn in by Chaplin Gerald Wynn along with Commander Jim Atkins. |
Compatriot and Marine Mike Kelley was awarded the SCV War Service Medal by Commander Atkins and Adjutant Paul Griffin. |

We are now dedicating our 2017 meetings to an ancestor. Compatriot Michael Keyserling briefly discussed the three Huguenin brothers. Here he speaks of Capt. Thomas Abram Huguenin's exploits, the last Commanding Officer of Ft. Sumter. |
1st Lt Commander Jim Atkins introduces our special guest, "singer" Evelene Stevenson at the make-up April 17, 2017 meeting. |

Evelene Stevenson, owner of The Spirit of Old Beaufort, sang many war period songs for us including "The Bonnie Blue Flag" and "Dixie's Land" in her beautiful voice. |
Commander Mike Kelley presents Compatriot Butch Polk with his 10 Year Service Pin. |

New Lt Commander Jim Atkins introduces the March 2017 meeting guest speaker with New Commander Mike Kelley in background. |
March guest speaker Ted Panayotoff discussed black Confederate Soldiers and Government Pensions. |

9th Brigade Commander Michael Skinner of the Ridgeland camp made a visit to March meeting. |
New members Clifton Thomas, left, and Peter Somerville are sworn in by chaplain Gerald Wynn with Commander Kelley assisting. |

Commander Mike Kelley pins War Service Medal on Lt. Col. Jim Atkins, Camp 1st Lt Commander. |
Mike Monahan, center, a recent transfer from the Virginia Division enjoys meeting with Military Awards Chairman John Simpson at left and Tom Wilson at right, Adjutant Paul Griffin in the rear. |

Commander Chris Gibson honors Col. Pat Garrett with a Ten Year Member pin at the December 2016 meeting. |
Compatriot Mike Kelley during December meeting volunteering to take home the Colours after being voted to be Camp Commander in 2017. |

. Our Nov 7, 2016 meeting featured Camp Historian Chris Clayton discussing letters a 15 year old South Carolina soldier wrote concerning his service during the November 1864 Battle of Honey Hill and his later being forced to ride with brutal raiders at the end of the war period. |
Commander Chris Gibson (left) and Past Brigade Commander Nolan Tarrance (right) present Chris Clayton and Kent Wold with their 10 Year Service Pins at the November meeting. |

Oct 3 2016 meeting guest speaker Allen Roberson, Director of the Confederate relic Room amd Military History Museum. |
Commander Gibson presents 10 Year Service Pin to Past Commander Claude McElveen |

Camp Historian Chris Clayton is presented his SCV Historian Medal from Commander Gibson. |
Chaplain Gerald Wynn swears in new Camp Associate Carl White, a former member of the Confederate Air Force. |

Camp Associate Alan Linsky and wife Judy with Compatriots Nolan Tarrance and Christian Tootle. |
Compatriots Frank Glover, Tom Burnett, Craig Hightower, and Sam Chesnutt. |

Attendees of Oct 2016 meeting listen to speakers presentation. |
Compatriot and Past Camp Chaplain Bill Sammons continues to lead us at each meeting in our camp closing Hymn "Dixie's Land". |

Compatriot Daniel Jarrell is presented an SCV Honor Roll Call certificate by Commander
Chris Gibson in honor of the recent passing of his father Compatriot Darrell W. Jarrell. |

L-R Compatriot Hazen Culley with Commander Chris Gibson, Tom Burnett and Michael
Keyserling after Gibson presented the three very active Camp members with their
10 Year Service Pins on September 10, 2016. |

August 2016 meeting guest speaker, Compatriot, Historian and Author Neil Baxley, presents BG Stephen Elliott of Beaufort. Elliott's portrait can been seen on the right. |

Past Commander Jody Henson at left, explains the history of the SC Sovereignty Flag which is also the Camp's Flag, to recent Virginia transfer Jim Atkins with 1st Lt. Commander David Goodson at right. |

"During the May 2, 2016 meeting",Chaplain Gerald Wynn gives the invocation from the prayer book of
Pvt. David Thomas Freeman, 3rd S.C. Cavalry. Freeman was the Confederate ancestor of Gerald's wife Eunice who made it through the war with his prayer book in tact. Chaplain Wynn's benedictions are also taken from the book. |

1st lt Commander David Goodson installs new member Mike Kelly with 9th Brigade Commander Nolan Tarrance. |

"During the May 2, 2016 meeting", David Goodson presents Stephen Elliott UDC Chapter President Penny Tarrance with the Army of Northern Virginia Ladies Appreciation Medal for her many years of support of Camp #47 and the UDC . |

Military Awards Chairman Maj. John Simpson presents the SCV War Service Medal to Compatriots David Goodson (US Air Force), Craig Hightower (US Marine Corps) and Bill Elliott (US Marine Corps). They bring the total of our Camp's War Service Medal recipients to 50. |

April 2016 meeting guest speaker, Commander Joe Dawson, of the Savannah, GA SCV Francis Bartow Camp #93. Making his presentation on "Understanding Slavery's Role in The War Between the States". |

Compatriot Joe Harden receives the Gen. Richard H. Anderson Palmetto and Crescent Meritorious Service Medal from Past Commander Jody Henson. |

A surprised Joe Harden is congratulated by Jody Henson after receiving the Camp's Highest Individual Award for exceptional service and dedication to the Camp, becoming only the 10th Camp member to be so honored. |

Chaplain Gerald Wynn swears in Cadet Miller Joseph Caselli with grandfather Jody Henson at his side during April 2016 meeting. |

Compatiot Billy Syfrett of the Colleton Rangers Camp in Walterboro makes Battle Flag
presentation at the March 2016 meeting. |

The Citadel's Spirit Flag, "Big Red", flew over the Cadet's Battery on Morris Island
on Jan 9, 1861, when they fired on the Fort Sumter resupply ship Star of the West. |

Billy discusses Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia Headquarters Command
Flag. |

The little known Third National Flag, also know as the "Blood Stained Flag", was
adopted on March 4, 1865. In no wind conditions the 2nd National Flag, "Stainless
Banner", could be drooping and look like a white flag of truce. Thus the addition
of the Red at the right edge. |

Lt. Commander David Goodson (left) called for new Compatriot Tom Wilson to come
forward for installation. Chaplain Gerald Wynn reads oath with Commander Chris
Gibson (far right) at his side. |

(L-R) Outgoing Lt. Commander, and current 9th Brigade Commander, Nolan Tarrance
stands with new officers, Adjutant Paul Griffin, Color Sergeant Sean Congleton,
Lt Commander David Goodson, Commander Chris Gibson and Chaplain Gerald
Wynn. |

February 2016 guest speaker Compatriot Bill Davies, of the Edisto Camp, stands with
Commander Chris Gibson after his excellent guesswork presentation on Lt. General Stephen
Dill Lee. Bill was presented a copy of Lee's Nobel Soldier, the story of Lt. General
Richard H. Anderson and the Camp's namesake, by Joe Cantey Elliott. |

New Camp member Bill Elliott makes it official in February 2016 after years of meeting
attendance. |

Craig Hightower is sworn in by Lt Commander Nolan Tarrance during February 2016 meeting. |

Commander Chris Gibson, at right, along with Past Commander Jody Henson, center, present
Past Commander Paul Griffin with the Camp's highest individual honor, the Gen. Richard H.
Anderson Palmetto and Crescent Meritorious Service Medal. |

December 2015 guest speaker Author Herbert "Bing" Chambers discusses his works "And Were The Glory of Their Times", a listing of the Cavalry and Artillery men who died for South Carolina. |

Chaplain Hazen Culley gives oath to new members L-R David Elven Goodson and Christopher Sean Congleton at December 2015 meeting. |
Commander Gibson swears in Druery "Graham" Walters during October 2015 meeting |

Graham receives New Member Packet including membership certificate and SCV Pin from Lt Commander Tarrance |

Bell Ringing Service at The Parish Church of Saint Helena on the 150th anniversary of the surrender at Appomattox. |

Our most recent war Service Medal recipients, Col. Charlie Calvert and John Youmans, the 46th and 47th Camp members to be so honored. See our website for a full listing. |

Compatriot Col. Charlie Calvert was awarded the SCV War Service Medal by Commander Gibson for his Korean and Vietnam War service while in the US Army. |

Compatriot John Youman's receives Military Service Medal from Commander Gibson for his US Naval aviator service. |

Our October 2014 meeting featured Eddie Rogers as "Lt. Gen. Wade Hampton". |
Nancy Chesnutt , a descendant of Lt. Gen. Richard H. Anderson and wife of Compatriot Sam Chesnutt, poses with book on Gen. Wade Hampton at October 2014 meeting. |

Commander Chris Gibson swears in Lt. Gen. Richard H. Anderson descendant Richard Anderson Rhame at the September 2014 meeting after being introduced by First Lt Commander Nolan Tarrance. |
Associate Chris Clayton filled in quite well for our AWOL September Speaker, giving an excellent last minute presentation on the Battle of Port Royal and showing the attendees his latest art work concerning the famous battle. |

Commander Chris Gibson congratulates new member John Simpson after Chaplain Hazen Culley swore him in at June 2014 meeting. |
Guest speaker Ken Burger of Allendale, SC, kept the members laughing while recounting his growing up and later being a newspaper and sports writer for 35 years in South Carolina. |

Chaplain Hazen Culley swears in new Compatriot Col. Charlie Calvert with Commander Chris Gibson assisting at May meeting. |
Col. Ollie Langford discusses the 2014 H L Hunley JROTC Awards with camp at May meeting. |

Past Commander Jim Thomas congratulates 2014 Commander Chris Gibson |
Paul Steele presented the War Service Medal at the March 2014 meeting |

Wreaths Across America placement at National Cemetery in December 2013. All the 117 Confederate Graves were covered. |
Young Cadet William Rooney with reenactors at Wreaths Across America placement in the Confederate Section of the National Cemetery. |

Lynn Bristow from Frampton Plantation giving a presentation on the Battle of Pocotaligo at the December meeting . |

Commander Thomas with Lynn Bristow and her escort from Frampton Plantation. |

Young Cadets Sam Jefferies, William Rooney and Jack Jefferies at Lee Jackson Banquet. |

Commander Jim Thomas presented Michael Keyserling and Col. Charley Stockell their ten year service pins. |

Walt Lineberger, with Commander Thomas, tells Camp he'll step down as Chaplain after this May meeting. Tom Burnett to replace him. |

Associate Alan Linsky makes donation to camp of photo and soil from battlefield at May meeting |

Wayne Cousar and Carroll Crowther show colors on a recent trip down to Belize. |

Commander Jim Thomas March 2012 meeting |

Chaplain Walt Lineberger delivers invocation at March meeting |

March meeting guest speaker Associate Chris Clayton |

Feb Speaker Ben Bunting,
Commander of the H L Hunley Camp |

Wayne Cousar presented SCV Appreciation Certificate for organizing Beaufort Tri Centennial Parade Floats for the SCV and UDC |

Tom Long awarded SCV War Service Medal by Col. Ollie Langford |

Paul Steele to forward the Colors until March meeting. |

Lt. Cmdr.Jim Thomas introduces Dec 2011 Speaker |

Compatriot Bob Sadler and presents his French Confederate Ancestors |

Cmdr. Paul Griffin announces Camp Officers for 2012 |

Commander-In-Chief Michael Givens addresses Camp at Dec 2011 meeting |

22 Camp 47 War Service Medal Recipents
November 2011 Meeting |

Speaker Compatriot James Scott
November 2011 Meeting |

Cmdr Griffin and Henry Chambers
War Service Medal November 2011 |

Cmdr Griffin and Robert de Treville
War Service Medal November 2011 |

New member James Ferrier to Forward the Colors.
Oct 2011 meeting |

October's Speaker, author and historian, Jim Jordan of Callawassie island. |

Allen Roberson, Director of the Confederate Relic Room. |

Original letter to Confederate Relic Room from Henry Middleton Stuart. (Courtesy of the SC Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum). |

Beaufort Volunteer Artillery Flag today. (Courtesy of the SC Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum). |

Members of Gen. R. H. Anderson SCV Camp #47 with flag and Confederate Relic Room Curator Rachel Cockrell. |

Tri Centennial Parade SCV UDC float. |

Tri Centennial Parade SCV UDC float. |

Compatriot Frank Gibson places SCV pin on son Chris Gibson at August 2011 meeting. |

9th Brigade Commander Joe Willis presented Jody Henson with the SCV's Distinguished Service Medal at August 2011 meeting. |

Color Sergeants Henry and James Scott, 9th Brigade Commander Joe Willis
and Commander Paul Griffin at 2011 State Convention. |

SC Division Commander Mark Simpson and Scott family. |

Miss Brianne Canaday is presented the Stephen Elliott UDC Chapter Educational
Scholarship Award by 2nd Vice President & Scholarship Chairman Barbara Wood. |

Brianne with parents Andrea and Compatriot Brian Canaday and Barbara Wood, wife of
Compatriot Frank Wood |

Confederate Relic Room & Military Museum Compatriots Jeff Holliday and Russ Brewton with daughter Maggie at unveiling of SC Iraqi Freedom Flag. |

L-R: Steve Benjamin, Mayor of Columbia; Jeff; Allen Roberson, Dir. Confederate Relic Room. |

Compatriot Jeff Holliday and Marine Team,
Afghanistan 9-11-2011 |

SSgt Jason Motes & GySgt Jeff Holliday
with Camp 47 Colors. |

Compatriot SFC Gerald Wynn
Camp Colors Afghanistan |

Compatriot GySgt Jeff Holliday
Camp Colors Iraq |

Secession House Marker Dedication
SCV Camp 47 |

Rose Hill Marker Dedication
SCV Camp 47 |

UDC Military Award recipients Jody Henson, Bill Sammons, Wayne Milner, Charles Aimar and Wayne Cousar at Stephen Elliott UDC Chapter's 100th Anniversary Event |

SCV Camp 47 Compatriots
2009 Confederate Memorial Day |