Pvt. Christenberry Harvey Allen
11th Georgia Cavalry
Compatriot Dr. Trevor Hooper
Lt. Col. Robert de Treville
Commander 1st SC Infantry (Regulars)
Compatriot Maj. Robert de Treville
Killed in the hard-fought battle of Averysboro, N. C., March 16, 1865, while in command of his regiment at age 31 |
Bg. General William Randolph Terry
Commanding officer of a consolidated brigade which included the remnants of the Stonewall Brigade.
Compatriot: Jeff Light
Cpl. Charles John William Breland
Co. I, 11th South Carolina Infantry Regiment (9th SC Volunteers)
Compatriot: Mike Gorman
Pvt. Shadrach Allen
Co. D, 29th Virginia Infantry Regiment
Capt. Jeffress’ Co., Virginia Light Artillery (Virginia Nottoway Light Artillery) Co. E & G, 4th Virginia Reserves
Compatriot: Steven Guy
Sgt. John Allen Miles
A Charleston Light Dragoon and later Co. K, 4th SC Cavalry Regiment, with J.E.B. Stuart in Gen. Wade Hampton's Legion
Compatriot Miles Montgomery
Sgt. Miles, at left, killed at Battle of Haw's Shop with brother-in-law Daniel Cannon Webb who was also wounded and died later. |
Col. Henry A. Rogers
13th North Carolina Infantry Regt
Compatriot Sean Congleton
Lt. General Richard Heron Anderson
Army of Northern Virginia
First Corps Commander
Compatriot: Richard Anderson Rhame
Maj.Gen. Isaac Ridgeway Trimble
Compatriot: Jeffrey Holliday
One of the three division commanders in Pickett's Charge.
Brig.Gen. Zachariah Cantey Deas
Compatriot: Jeffrey Holliday
Commanded a Brigade under Braxton Bragg in Kentucky. Cousin of Brig.Gen. James Chestnut, Jr.
Lt.Gen./ Gov. Wade Hampton III
Compatriot: Jeffrey Holliday
With no prior military training, advanced to Lt.Gen. assuming command of the Confederate Cavalry Corps after Gen. J.E.B. Stuarts death
Brig.Gen. John James Cantey
Compatriot: Jeffrey Holliday
Promoted to BG in 1863, served with Gen. Joseph Johnston at the Battle of Bentonville, NC .
Brigadier Gen. James Chesnut, Jr
Compatriot: Jeffrey Holliday
Signer of the S.C. Ordnance of Secession and husband of Mary Boykin Miller Chesnut. BG commanding reserves on the coast of South Carolina in the Dep. of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida
Capt. Francis Marion Tucker, MD
Compatriot: Jeffrey Holliday
"Commanding Officer of the 18th S.C. Volunteer Infantry, Co. E. Killed at the 2nd Battle of Bull Run/ 2nd Manassas August 30th, 1862"
Sgt Blaney Harper Johnson
Compatriot: Jeffrey Holliday
Jeffrey L.O. Holliday's 3rd Great Grandfather
31 Aug 1862 in Manassas, Virginia
K.I.A. at the 2nd Battle of Bull Run
9th South Carolina Palmetto Sharpshooters, Co. E "The Darlington Sentinels"
& 5th South Carolina Palmetto Sharpshooters, Co. M "Jenkins Regiment" "Pacolet Guards"
Sgt. Washington A. Brewer
Co I, 23rd South Carolina Volunteers "The Sprott Guard"
Compatriot: Jeffrey Holliday
South Carolina's Bradham Brothers
Compatriot: Jeffrey Holliday
Bradham Brothers- CSA Soldiers
Seated L to R:
'Thomas Abijah Bradham- 23rd SCV Co. I, 4th SC Cavalry and POW Elmira, NY, *Daniel Judson (Sumter) Bradham- Kershaw's 2nd SC Vol Infantry and 23rd SCV Co. I,
*Samuel Henry (Yaller Gnat) Bradham- 23rd SCV Co. I, 4th SC Cavalry Co. D Rutledge's Reg. and POW Point Lookout, MD.
Standing L to R:
Doctor McCauley Bradham- Served as a Drummer Boy during the early years of the war and was a member of "The Breadless Boys" that defended Clarendon County during Potter's Raid.
William James Bradham- 4th SC Cavalry Co. D Rutledge's Reg. and taken POW to Point Lookout, MD.
Photo was taken May of 1904 at the Annual State Reunion of the United Confederate Veterans in Charleston, S.C.
Maj. Isadore Phillipe Girardey
Georgia Washington Artillery & Militia
Compatriot: Bob Sadler
Pvt. Hibben Leland,
South Carolina Pee Dee Light Artillery
Cadet: Miller Caselli
Cadet: Kent Robinson
Cadet: Lucca Henson Caselli
Pvt. John William Henry Mitchell
Co. C, 2nd Brigade 13th Division, Georgia Militia
Compatriot: Tim Roddey
Pvt. Silas Matterson Bunn
Co H, 62nd Regt. Alabama Infantry
Compatriot: Jesse Baker
Lt Eli Duvall
1st (later 7th) Virginia Vol. Inf.
Compatriot: Henry Scott
Compatriot: James Scott |
Betty Duvall
Confederate Spy
Compatriot: Henry Scott
Compatriot: James Scott |
Pvt. John Jaquelin Ambler Brooke
Virginia Ashby Horse Artillery
Compatriot: David Jennings |
Pvt. Thomas Hicks Burnett
Co G, 1st Regt. NC Cavalry (Buncombe Rangers)
Killed with Gen. JEB Stewert and buried at Yellow Tavern, VA
June 21st, 1864
Compatriot: Tom Burnett |
Pvt. Thomas Harvey Harvin
Co H, 5th Regt. SC Cavalry
Santee Guerrillas (Ferguson's)
Compatriot: Tom Burnett |
Col. Benjamin Eshleman
Louisiana Washington Artillery
Compatriot: Jack Castles |
2nd Sgt Samuel Willis Tucker Lanham
Co K, 3rd South Carolina Infantry Regt.
Compatriot: Jeffrey Holliday |
Pvt. William Crowther
Co G, 5th SC Vol. Inf.
Compatriot: Carroll Crowther
Compatriot: Billy Crowther
Compatriot: Logan Crowther |
Pvt. John Floyd Gilbert
Co A, 17th Texas Cavalry (Moore's)
Died POW Camp Douglas 1863 age 47
Compatriot: Jody Henson
Cadet: Kent Robinson
Cadet: Miller Caselli
Cadet: Lucca Henson Caselli
1st Lt. Richard Dernard Hancock
Co K, 2nd Regt., NC Infantry
Compatriot: Jody Henson
Cadet: Kent Robinson
Cadet: Miller Caselli
Cadet: Lucca Henson Caselli |
Pvt Robert Mallard Hancock
Co K, 2nd Regt., NC Infantry
Compatriot: Jody Henson
Cadet: Kent Robinson
Cadet: Miller Caselli Cadet: Lucca Henson Caselli
Maj William Gray Jordan
33rd Regt., NC Militia
Compatriot: Jody Henson
Cadet: Kent Robinson
Cadet: Miller Caselli
Cadet: Lucca Henson Caselli
Pvt. John Henry Lineberger
Co E, 3rd Tenn. Cavalry (Forrest's)
Compatriot: Walt Lineberger
Capt. Thomas Abram Huguenin
1st Bn South Carolina Sharpshooters
Compatriot: Michael Keyserling
Col. Duncan Brown Cooper
Forrest's Independent Brigade
Compatriot: Charles Stockell
Sgt. Andrew Jackson Beall
Co B, 3rd Georgia Infantry
Compatriot: Andy Beall
Compatriot: Jackson Beall
Compatriot: Ben Beall
Pvt James Parker Ragsdale
1st Regt. SC Cavalry
Compatriot: Andy Beall
Compatriot: Jackson Beall
Compatriot: Ben Beall
BG. Gen. Samuel McGowan
Commanding Gen. A. P. Hill's Light Division,
South Carolina Brigade
Compatriot: Samuel McGowan, III
BG. Victor Jean Baptiste Girardey
Commanded Wright's Georgia Brigade,
Killed Aug 16, 1864 Fussel's Mill, VA
Compatriot: Bob Sadler